Saturday, February 25, 2012

Query not returning all results

OK, interesting problem I haven't encountered before.
If I do the following query:
Select * from TableA where SequenceNo = 555 and Column = 6 and ClientNo =
I get 1 row (which is correct).
If I run the same query without the ClientNo specification, I get 4 results,
but Clientno 123456 isn't in the results.
If I run the same query, without the ClientNo specification, without the *
(i.e. manually listing each column), then I get 20 results, which is correct.
Why is this happening? Anyone know how to resolve this?
Manually listing each column is so not an option. Why isn't "Select * from
TableA where SequenceNo = 555 and Column = 6" to returning all 20 valid
FYI: SequenceNo and Column are datatypes int, Clientno is varchar.
I've tried with and without single quotes, and also adding in "where
sequenceno is not null" kind of logic, too.
Financial Systems Analyst
Never mind!
forgot to check to Message tab (doh!), there was a Numeric Value Out Of
Range error.
So, anyone know how to resolve THAT little issue?!?
|||Sounds like you've got data corruption or, at least, integrity issues.
Probably because of the use of SELECT * and such.
If you are explicit about everything you do, then there will never be a
question concerning what it is you want.
Leave everything to defaults and you will get ambiguity, which is that start
of corruption.
Sorry to disappoint you, but you need to fix your data or start being more
You could try a TOP clause to find the row that is causing you grief and,
then, manually fix the data.
Anthony Thomas

"Ysandre" <> wrote in message
Never mind!
forgot to check to Message tab (doh!), there was a Numeric Value Out Of
Range error.
So, anyone know how to resolve THAT little issue?!?

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